
Amin Jaafari is a Palestinian Arab surgeon living a comfortable, respected life in Tel Aviv, Israel. In the wake of a suicide bombing that kills 17 people, many of them children, the political becomes personal when he learns that his beloved wife may be the bomber. Like Orpheus to Hades after Eurydice, he goes to the Palestinian West Bank to learn the truth, a journey that will make him question all he has come to take for granted. Filmed in Lebanon, a Lebanese director using Israeli actors, and banned in 22 Arab countries, the film won the prestigious Frankfurt Book Fair award for Best International Literary Adaptation. Remarkably even-handed and fair to all sides („Is anybody right if everybody’s wrong?“) „The Attack“ leaves no stone unturned, and should leave few viewers unaffected.

Around 2013



Berlin Premiere 



OT: L’Attentat, 2012
Produktionsland: Libanon, Frankreich, Qatar, Belgien
Produktion: 3 b Productions Paris, Scope Pictures Brüssel
Cast: Ali Suliman, Reymond Amsalem, Evgenia Dodina, Uri Gavriel, Karim Saleh, Dvir Benedek, Ruba Salameh
Format: DCP / Farbe
Länge: 106 min.
Sprache: Arabic / with English subtitles
World Sales: Wild Bunch,
Dt. Verleih: Senator Film Verleih GmbH
Festivals: Telluride, Toronto, San Sebastián, Mill Valley, Göteborg, COLCOA Los Angeles, München, San Francisco u.v.a.
Preise: San Sebastián zwei Preise, Frankfurter Buchmesse „Beste Internationale Literaturverfilmung“ u.a.