
Amidst a worldwide pandemic that causes amnesia, middle-aged Aris finds himself enrolled in a recovery program designed to help unclaimed patients build new identities. Assigned daily tasks on cassette tapes so he can create new memories and document them on camera, Aris slides back into ordinary life, meeting Anna, a woman who is also in recovery. Writer-director Christos Nikou posits a beguiling reflection on memory, identity, and loss, exploring how a society might handle an irreversible epidemic through one man’s story of self-discovery.

Dates: Further details will be available here as soon as the end of the lockdown has been announced.



OT: Mila
Director: Christos Nikou
Screenplay: Christos Nikou, Stavros Raptis
Country: Greece, Poland, Slovakia
Production: Boo Productions, Lava Films, Perfo Production, Dirty Films, Musou Music Group & NOVA; Executive Producer: Cate Blanchett
Cast: Aris Servetalis, Sofia Georgovasili, Anna Kalaitzidou, Argiris Bakirtzis
Length: 91 min.
Language: Greek OV / English subtitles
German Distribution: /
Festivals: Venice, Telluride, Toronto, Zurich, Adelaide, Chicago, Tokyo, Seville, Stockholm, Philadelphia etc.
Awards: Chicago, Slovene three awards, Denver

“Apples” is Greece’s 2021 Oscar® Entry (“Best International Feature Film”).