
Sudan, near the Merowe Dam. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to build a mysterious construction made of mud. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his creation slowly starts to take a life of its own…

Around the World in 14 Films 2022 – in the presence of director Ali Cherri

In cooperation with the World Cinema Fund (WCF) of the Berlinale


+++ Berlin Premiere +++

OT: All-Sadd / Le barrage
Director: Ali Cherri
Screenplay: Ali Cherri, Geoffroy Grison in Zusammenarbeit mit Bertrand Bonello
Country: France, Sudan, Lebanon, Germany, Serbia, Qatar 2022
Production: Kino Elektron, Galerie Imane Fares, DGL Travel, Twenty Twenty Vision, WCF
Cast: Maher El Khair
Length: 80 min.
Language: Arabic OV / English subtitles
Distribution Germany: /
Festivals: Cannes, New York, Fameck, Bergen, Tokyo etc.