
ES escapes from Palestine seeking an alternative homeland, only to find that Palestine is trailing behind him. The promise of a new life turns into a comedy of errors: however far he travels, from Paris to New York, something always reminds him of home. From award-winning director Elia Suleiman, a comic saga exploring identity, nationality and belonging, in which ES asks the fundamental question: where is the place we can truly call home?

Around The World in 14 Films 2019, presented by Dietrich Brüggemann – in the presence of the director Elia Suleiman


+++ Berlin Premiere +++

OT: It Must Be Heaven
Director: Elia Suleiman
Screenplay: Elia Suleiman
Country: Germany, France, Canada, Turkey 2019
Production: Pallas Film GmbH, Rectangle Productions, Possibles Media II, Zeyno Film
Cast: Elia Suleiman
Length: 97 min.
Language: Arab/English/French OV / German subtitles
Distribution Germany: Neue Visionen Filmverleih
Festivals: Cannes, Shanghai, Milan, New Horizons, Toronto, Brisbane, London, Busan, Chicago etc.
Awards: Cannes Special mention

Official Foreign Oscar Candidate 2020 of Palestine