
During the rise of the materialistic comfort of life in the 1960s, there emerges an undercurrent of danger in Hong Kong. No.7 Cherry Lane tells the tale of Ziming, a Hong Kong University undergraduate, entangled between his amorous feelings for a self-exiled mother Mrs Yu from Taiwan in the White Terror period, and her beautiful daughter Meiling. He takes them to different movies and through a series of magical moments on the big screen, forbidden passions are revealed. And the era coincides with Hong Kong’s turbulent times of 1967.

Dates: Further details will be available here as soon as the end of the lockdown has been announced.



OT: Jìyuántái qihào
Director: Yonfan
Screenplay: Yonfan
Country: Hong Kong, China
Production: Far Sun Film Monica Chao
Cast: (Voices) Sylvia Chang, Zhao Wai, Teresa Cheung, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Ann Hui, Fruit Chan
Length: 125 min.
Language: Cantonese mandarin OV / English subtitles
German Distribution: /
Festivals: Venice, Toronto, Busan, Vancouver, Mumbai, Viennale, Tokyo, Marrakesch, Gothenburg, Rotterdam etc.
Awards: Venice Best Screenplay